Dr. Night Time Tutoring

Expert help, just for you

Hello, I’m Dr. Night Time and I would be happy to serve as a math/science tutor. 

I have a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, and over three years of experience as a private tutor, logging over 4,000 hours with students. I focus on AP and college-level math and science classes. My style of tutoring is great for helping students in advanced classes become the best of the best.

 While classroom instruction largely consists of instructors speaking and students listening, my tutoring sessions have more symmetrical conversation. I place strong emphasis on a good balance between knowledge of mathematical content and proficiency in problem-solving, reasoning, and conveying mathematical ideas in writing. There are times when a student needs to be informed of a solution, times when he or she also needs to hear the explanation of why the solution works, and times when he or she should be guided to finding the solution on his or her own. It is important for the tutor to recognize which approach is appropriate. 

Frequently, when students struggle, it is because they do not understand the notation or terminology in use. In such cases, it is important to reassure the student, reminding him or her that he or she is only struggling with understanding a single word, not the entire mathematical concept. As a rule, people perform better and are better motivated when they have self-confidence, not when the task ahead seems frighteningly daunting. 

It’s also important to understand that many courses are intended to teach students more than just the technical content of the curriculum. For example, a college-level physics 1 class typically includes particularly complicated problems. The goal of the class is not just to teach students the laws of physics, but also to help them practice solving complicated problems with many steps. As such, I make sure that my students know that simply knowing the formulas (and even being able to explain al of the formulas) won’t be enough to excel in such a class.

Why Choose Dr. Night Time Tutoring?

Experience conversational, active learning.

All too often, lessons are an activity that teachers do and students watch. Unfortunately, when one teacher is trying to teach dozens of students at the same time, there may not be better options. In private tutoring sessions, you can benefit from the more effective teaching approaches of active learning. Sessions are always better when the teacher and student can have conversations about the material and the tutor can tailor the session to what the student does and does not understand. 

Get sessions designed around your needs.

Before your first paying session, you will have a free consultation where you can describe the nature of the course, your expectations for the course, and your expectations for how sessions will be structured. In that consultation we’ll make sure that we have the same expectations and learning plan.

Get expert help from someone who knows how your class fits into a greater course of study.

Students never work on single assignments in isolation. Each assignment is part of a larger class, which is part of a longer-term course of study. As a tutor, I know to focus on how each aspect of a class relates to that longer-term course of study. If a concept will be used again later, I know to mention it. Often, just having the concepts introduced earlier can help make later classroom lectures easier to understand.

Contact info:

Phone number: (914)-714-9526

Email address: yosef@drnighttimetutoring.com